Chorus partners with Ascending 360 to bring better care to employees

March 19, 2024


By Ali Abramovitz Cook, CEO of Chorus Sleep

I recently had the pleasure of talking with long-time benefits and health expert Jessica DePhillips. Jessica is an amazing female leader who recently left Mercer after 17 years to start her own firm, Ascending 360. So first, I'd like to celebrate her as an example of women believing in themselves and taking risks.

Secondly, I'm thrilled to say that Chorus is partnering with Jessica and Ascending 360 to help employees be their absolute best, starting with quality sleep.

In our catch-up last week, Jessica mentioned "the wisdom of listening to your body." She told me about a morning she decided to skip yoga at 5:30 AM to get some extra sleep, emphasizing how important she knew it was to how she'd feel and perform later that day. She joked: "What would Ali do?" I laughed and appreciated the nod to our mission at Chorus, but her decision underscores a big shift we're starting to see around the importance of sleep, not just for the individual but within the workplace, too.

It's staggering that more than half of us struggle with sleep each week. And while we know how important sleep is, sometimes we need permission to prioritize it. Well, consider this your permission. Go ahead, listen to your body. Treat yourself to an early night or unwind with a book before bed. Your well-being is a gift to your family, colleagues, and, most importantly, yourself.

If your organization could use a knowledgeable benefits consultant who truly understands the value of holistic employee health, connect with Jessica through Ascending 360's website.

You can also contact us directly at Chorus Sleep to learn more about our sleep-focused employee benefit.