Lady Sleeping

Seize the day starts the night before

Welcome to Chorus Sleep! We’re an evidence-based mobile app and coaching program that helps 80% of people sleep better and wake up refreshed.

Explore the App

Chorus combines all tactics for anxiety-related sleep challenges into one simple app

Evidence-based to help you be at your best


Improvement in time
to fall asleep


Improvement in
awakenings in the night


Improvement in
collaboration with colleagues

All findings are statistically significant.

Chorus combines all tactics for anxiety-related sleep challenges into one simple app

Check out Chorus Sleep - the only solution that combines all tactics to get more sleep into one simple app.


Track your sleep to measure progress.


Fall asleep fast with expert-led relaxation sessions and sleep sounds like white noise.


Learn to improve your sleep with short, interactive content.


Get help from a real, human sleep coach on your specific program.

More than just another sleep app

Go beyond sleep tracking or simple relaxation content. Chorus Sleep is the only solution that combines all tactics for sleep challenges related to anxiety and racing thoughts into one simple app.

Fall asleep faster.
Stay asleep longer


Sleep Tracking

Track your sleep to measure progress. Automatically sync with your device, including any choice of wearable, or enter manually.

Sleep Tracking

Sleep Sessions and Sounds

Relaxing Audio Content

Fall asleep or fall back to sleep fast with expert-led audio sessions that combine relaxing breathwork and music. 

Support deep, sustained sleep, with over 30 sounds to choose from like white noise and ocean waves.

Relaxing Audio Content

Sleep Essentials and Lessons

Interactive Content

Learn to improve your sleep with short, interactive content.

Our content is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), which has been scientifically proven more effective than sleeping pills.

Interactive Content

My Sleep Coach

Sleep Coaching

Connect with a real, human sleep coach to get personalized guidance and support you when you need it.

Sleep Coaching

Check out our short demo

Your Privacy Matters

Privacy is our top priority. All data is securely stored and no personal data is ever shared with anyone outside of Chorus.

SOC 2 Compliance

Data end-to-end encrypted

GDPR / CCPA Compliant

Your data NEVER leaves our system, ever

What people are saying

Emma R
It feels great to know my company cares about me and my sleep. I appreciate that [my employer] provides benefits like this

Emma R

Need more convincing? Check out the science!

Get Creative

Getting adequate sleep is critical for your ability to problem solve and unlock creative insights. Sleeping as little as 90 more minutes restores your ability to learn.1

Get Creative

Feel your best

Getting at least 7 hours of sleep makes you 2.5x less likely to experience anxiety and depression.2

Feel your best

Stay healthy

Getting quality sleep makes you 50% less likely to develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes. It also reduces excess calorie consumption and promotes healthy fertility and testosterone.3

Stay healthy

Arrive safely

Getting at least 7 hours of sleep makes you twice as likely to avoid a car crash. Said differently, getting just 5-6 hours of sleep doubles your risk of a car accident.4

Arrive safely

Get Started

Explore Chorus Sleep Today

A smarter way to approach wellbeing.