Better leadership starts with sleep: Why effective leaders prioritize high-quality sleep

May 16, 2023


What does it take to get to the top? Many people believe that you need to be a workaholic to be a successful leader, clocking long hours and working past the typical nine-to-five. One study discovered that staff who spend more time at the office beyond business hours (like early mornings or late nights) are considered more reliable leaders.

But, turns out, our opinion is wrong.

Studies suggest that great leadership comes from quality sleep. Researchers assessed 35,000 leaders and found that the more senior they were, the more they slept. This implies that leadersconsciously or unconsciously understand how important sleep is.

Sleep impacts more than just someone's individual job too. When leaders don't prioritize sleep, their poor habits tend to rub off on those around them. One study found that when bosses modeled and encouraged bad sleep habits, their employees got 25 minutes less sleep each night than those whose bosses valued a good night's rest.

As Chorus CEO, Ali Abramovitz, shares:

"The impact of sleep on the individual is well documented, but because of the one-to-many relationship leaders have with their teams, and because sleep affects every system in your body, sleep is one of the highest-leverage aspects leaders have to promote efficient and effective working environments.”

Because of this inextricable—yet often overlooked—relationship between leadership and sleep, Chorus partnered with The Work Innovation Lab by Asana and Dr. Greg Wells to conduct original research on the relationship between sleep, leadership, and work effectiveness.

Learn how the three are deeply connected, and how you can apply the findings to become a better-rested, more effective leader with the full playbook.

About Chorus

Chorus is an employee wellbeing and sentiment platform with two components for an integrated approach. We tackle employee burnout through improved sleep and more accurate HR sentiment analysis.

First, the employee side is a mobile app and coaching program that helps employees and their families sleep better.

Second, the employer side is a measurement tool that allows HR leaders to collect objective, anonymous data that measures the health and sentiment of their employee base.

🧩 If you're an HR or business leader interested in learning more about supporting your organization with better insights and reduced burnout, please reach out!