Y Combinator Invests in Chorus

February 23, 2021


About Y Combinator

Y Combinator is a seed stage investing firm and mentorship program that provides both capital and guidance to a selection of early stage technology startups. The list of YC alumni include products that most of us use daily - Doordash, Dropbox, and Stripe - to name a few.

What does this mean for Chorus? We are so thrilled to be working with the incredible team at Y Combinator. Over the last 6 weeks, we have made many exciting updates to the Chorus experience thanks to the resources provided to us by YC.

We recently created our newest Sleep session - specifically designed to provide a restorative night of rest.

Looking ahead

While we continue to expand the Chorus suite products to reflect the needs of our community, we are excited to develop our own app on which to host it all. These updates will not only improve the member experience of class, they will also serve to continue the connected growth of the irreplaceable Chorus community.

About Chorus

Chorus is a mobile app and coaching program that helps employees sleep better. We do this by combining sleep coaching, short lessons, and relaxing audio sessions that help employees, and their families, fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep through the night.

Sleep-deprived employees are less productive and suffer from worse mental and physical health, costing employers over $7,500 per employee per year. Since the beginning of COVID, sleep disorders have surged, now affecting more than 50% of people. More troubling, since sleep problems become a vicious cycle, experts expect this to continue even once stressful events subside.

We started Chorus because our lives were radically changed by developing wellness tools and sleeping better. After years of starting and stopping various healthy habits, and almost giving up, we knew there had to be a modern and enjoyable way to improve sleep… instead of outdated and boring worksheets.

Existing solutions fall short for two primary reasons:

  1. they only track your sleep but do not improve it, or
  2. they are designed for a subset of the population and are outdated and boring Chorus has developed a modern and fun, evidence-based approach that has resulted in over 80% of users experiencing improved sleep.

The Chorus product is reviewed by our Scientific Advisory Board, which includes David Weissman, Ph.D., a mental health expert from Harvard University, Patricia Areán, Ph.D., a behavioral sciences expert from the University of Washington, and Eli Susman, a sleep expert from the University of California, Berkeley. Chorus was founded by Ali (Alexandra) (CEO) - former Twilio, Warren (CTO) - former Evite, and Alex (Head of Ops) - former Apple.

In addition to Y Combinator, Chorus is funded by Justin Kan (Twitch founder) and Robin Chan (Goat Capital), and Charles Hudson (Precursor).